Team members

Group leader

Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute of Physics
Quantum-, Atomic- and Neutron Physics (QUANTUM)
PRISMA+ Cluster Of Excellence

Staudinger Weg 7
55099 Mainz, Germany

Office: 02-627
Phone: +49 6131 39-37687
Email: mfertl[a]


Administrative assistant

Steffi Wortmann

Office: 02-428 (Staudingerweg 9, Geb. 2413)
Phone: +49 6131 39-21838
Email: s.wortmann[a]

Senior scientist

Dr. Peter Blümler

Office: 02-325 (Staudingerweg 9, Geb. 2413)
Phone: +49 6131 39-24240
Email: bluemler[a]

Post Docs


Name Room Phone Email
Dr. René Reimann
02-625 +49 6131 39 21122 rreimann
Dr. Larisa Thorne 02-625 +49 6131 39 21122 lthorne
Dr. Sylvain Vanneste 02-631 +49 6131 39 30563 svannest


PhD Students

Name Room Phone Email
Hassan Qureshi 02-631 +49 6131 39 22947 moquresh
Niklas Pfeifer 02-631 +49 6131 39 28764 npfeifer
Julian Auler 02-631
and TRIGA site
+49 6131 39 30237 juauler
Brunilda Mucogllava 02-631 +49 6131 39 30291 bmucogll
Viktoria Ermuth 02-631 and TRIGA site vermuth@students...


We have open PhD positions!

Students (Bachelor/Master/Summer/HiWi)

Name Room Phone Email

Johannes Hoffmann (MSc thesis)

Darius Fenner

We have open positions!